Tag Archives: SSE Hydro

Remember, Remember…

Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 5.59.19 PM“Remember, remember, the 5th of November…” On 5th November 1605, Guy Fawkes (aka Guido) was captured and convicted of treason for plotting to blow up Westminster Palace. Since then, the Brits have been celebrating Guy’s capture with bonfires and fireworks. In Glasgow, Guy Fawkes Night – or Bonfire Night – is celebrated by a huge fireworks display in Glasgow Green, complete with a funfair (carnival), food trucks and snogging teenagers.

Steve and I decided to join the locals at the park, where we indulged in one ride on the Scrambler before deciding we were too old for all that hoopla. We took our celebration to WEST Brewery, were we shared a pitcher of West4 beer and a picnic table with some random folks. It was a beautiful night to sit outside and watch the fireworks display!

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The real excitement of the week came the next day, when we were notified that we had the opportunity to purchase tickets for the MTV European Music Awards at the SSE Hydro. I could hardly contain my teenage self – when are we ever going to live in a city that hosts an event like this!? Sunday night we were in the venue watching Nicki Minaj, U2, Ed Sheeran, Alicia Keys, Charlie XCX, Ariana Grande, Slash, Ozzy and Enrique Iglesias.

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Ariana Grande

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Nicki Minaj

It was a pretty random mix of people, but it definitely was more of a concert than an awards show. This is primarily because most of the award winners for the EMA’s accept through video and not in-person. My favorite performances were (not necessarily in this order):

  • Nicki Minaj: She did a throwback to SuperBass before she got crazy with Anaconda.
  • Ed Sheeran: his performance was a little boring, but his song “Thinking Out Loud” was so good.
  • U2: Wow! They turned off all of the big screens and the lights for this one, leaving only the spotlight on Bono – it gave me chills!
  • Enrique! Good lawd, I couldn’t stop screaming!
  • Slash & Ozzy singing crazy train – their use of pyrotechnics was pretty crazy. You could feel the heat!
  • Ariana Grande: girl can put on a show.

MTV has a great gif page that can explain all of this way better than I can: http://uk.mtvema.com/gifs

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